Common Area Enhancement Committee
Job Description
- Maintain and improve both sides of the front gate area by mowing, mulching, planting, weeding, watering grass and plants. Final clean up after first frost.
- Hang wreaths on gate for the holidays and remove in January.
- Groom TVW trails in late spring. May include brush cutting, fallen tree removal, mowing, marking trails.
- Maintain road and trail signs by sanding and refinishing every two years or as needed.
- Maintain health of Mallard Pond, Lehman Pond, Muddy Pond, and Lost Lake. Weed control, fish monitoring. Replace fish as needed. Catch and release recommended.
- Recruit new members as needed. Seek out volunteers. Communicate to committee proposals, events, get feedback, etc.
- Prepare and present year-end review/report at the annual meeting.