Grade roads and add gravel/road base as necessary.
Snow plowing
Snow fencing
Committee Members:
Walt Lynn, Chair
Angie Chiquette
Heloise Lynn
Pete Manley
Larry Martin
Dennis Prokopowicz
Tommy Strickland
Deren Williams
Joe Young
How you can help:
Report any issues with the main association roads and/or drainage, please send an email to
Do not drive in the center of the road, but rather stay on the right side. It is ok to drive near the edge of the road to push back any encroaching vegetation.
Obey the 20-mph speed limit.
If your driveway slopes down to the association road, please ensure that the water runoff goes into a roadside ditch and does not cause channeling down and/or across the association road. If you want assistance in determining how best to deal with drainage issues, please contact the Roads Committee at
Snow plowing:
H&H Forestry Services LLP does the snow plowing on the main association roads.
As a rule of thumb, we generally will contact them to plow the main roads when the snow accumulation exceeds 6 – 8 inches or when snow drifts accumulate to an extent to render certain places along the roads impassable. H&H will plow the roads as soon as it can, but be mindful that significant snow amounts can delay them from even getting to the ranch.
To get the latest snow information on TVW, please send an email to or contact Walt Lynn via text or call at 719-251-7410.
TVW is not responsible for plowing driveways and other private roads.
You can prearrange with H&H to plow your driveways by contacting them at: or call or text to 719-250-1108. Or you can contact them in real time at the same email and phone number.
You will notice that road and culvert markers have been installed along nearly all the main association roads. These are to help you know where the road is in the event of limited visibility. Please be mindful that these markers are generally offset around 2-4 feet from the edge of the road and that a roadside ditch may exist between the road edge and the markers.
It is highly recommended that you carry a snow shovel in your vehicle.
TVW Roads Map
2022-2023 Accomplishments:
Major work along Bear Path to improve road conditions and drainage.
Repaired ~2 miles of East Valley Road starting at north entrance to allow for emergency exit at Hwy 160
Repaired East Valley Road starting at south entrance down to slash pile.
Repaired West Gate Road
Smoothed out terminus of Bear Path at gravel pit and dig out roadside ditches from gravel pit to Pinon Trail/Spring 1 road.
Installed 30” culvert under Bear Path near gravel pit to keep water runoff from channeling the road.
Repaired Water Tank Road from mud slides
Installed road, culvert and ditch markers.
Filled potholes.
Added road base and cleaned roadside ditches in selected areas.
Installed new “Speed Limit 20” and “Slow Down – Dust Controlled Area” signs.
Work in progress and/or planned for 2024.
Clear clogged culverts under association roads and under driveways at intersection with association roads
Apply road base and/or road material along sides of the road to sections of main roads where large rocks are exposed and to smooth out wash boards.
Install water bars/ditches to reduce channeling caused by heavy rains and snow runoff.
Make sure that ancillary roads (East Valley Rd, West Gate Rd) are passable for emergency exit.